Greetings from Legends in Miniatures, your trusted source for officially sanctioned 3D Printable Scenery models in Australia and New Zealand. We pride ourselves on fuelling imaginations and realising fantasies through our diligently designed model sets and miniatures.

Please be aware that our online shop presents only a sample from our comprehensive Printable Scenery catalogue. If you’re searching for a particular model set that isn’t displayed, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Provide us with your specific requirements, and we’ll diligently assist you in locating the set, followed by a customised quote.

We also acknowledge that there may be times when you’re looking for a solitary part from a model set. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! Simply reach out to us for the cost of any individual pieces you need. Our dedicated team is constantly on standby to assist you in constructing your idyllic miniature universe.

At Legends in Miniatures, we are unwaveringly devoted to transforming your legendary visions into tangible reality with meticulous precision. It’s always our pleasure to assist you in sculpting your unique miniature world. We eagerly await your journey with us.

Our Printable Scenery Catalogue can be found here –

About Printable Scenery

Printable Scenery is a world-leading design studio in the realm of 3D printable model sets and miniatures. Since its inception, the studio has been at the forefront of innovation, combining cutting-edge technology with unmatched creative vision.

Printable Scenery offers an expansive catalogue that caters to hobbyists and professional modellers alike, from detailed fantasy castles to intricate futuristic landscapes. Each model is meticulously designed, ensuring unmatched quality and realism that adds depth and authenticity to your miniature world.

A shared passion for creativity and craftsmanship drives the team at Printable Scenery. They are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the miniature world, using 3D printing technology to bring to life detailed and scalable designs.

Each model from Printable Scenery is more than just a miniature – it’s an opportunity to create, inspire, and explore new landscapes, whether they are rooted in history, fantasy, or the distant future. Imagination is the only limit when it comes to Printable Scenery’s catalogue.

Printable Scenery aims to revolutionise how you experience miniatures and your RPG, bringing unparalleled detail and quality to each print and, ultimately, bringing your vision to life in an extraordinary way. Discover the Printable Scenery universe today and start your journey into the incredible world of 3D printable miniatures.

Have a look at the full Printable Scenery catalogue, and feel free to contact us at for any requests.